Our purpose statement describes the reason we exist:
To be a Christ-centred community growing in faith and sharing the Gospel with others.
Our mission statement describes what we do, who we serve, and the way we do it:
To be a Christ-centered community of faith that shares life with the diverse local community so they can see and know Jesus through us.
Our vision statement describes what we will look like in the future:
To be a worshiping community that reflects the cultural diversity around us. Revelation 7:9-10
WRCC affirms the Core Values of the Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT: Christ-centred; mission-shaped; relationally-committed; people-empowering; and partnership-oriented. WRCC regards these values as guiding principles, rather than rules, that serve to describe how we choose to work together towards the achievement of our mission. WRCC considers that it is essential to continually assess and flexibly adapt our practices to achieve our mission in a changing world.
Whilst not explicit in the Statement of Beliefs or Core Values, WRCC also recognises the distinctives that Baptists have commonly held for over 400 years. In particular, we acknowledge that God speaks to all believers and that each person is free to practice religion according to their conscience. We choose to view this diversity as a strength even though sometimes we disagree, and so strive to remain in healthy relationships and practice love towards each other.
WRCC seeks to embody biblical hospitality in its broadest sense – as a sharing of life. Many of our practices have been adapted to reflect the small size and family nature of WRCC.
WRCC seeks to welcome, include, value, and respect all people irrespective of age; disability; race; gender; marital status and sexual orientation. All people, including those who do not yet follow Jesus, are welcome to and activities. Leaders, Pastors, and staff are followers of Jesus who have been recruited based on merit, in consideration of calling, giftedness, skills and talents.
Many of our policies and practices have been adapted to reflect these values:
- Our decision-making practice has been adapted to reduce complexity and allow flexibility with appropriate consultation.
- Our worshipping practice is to have one all-inclusive service.
- Our practice of Communion is open to all who believe in Jesus, in which children are welcome to participate with parental guidance.
- Eligibility for membership is not restricted to those baptised as believers by immersion but includes those who have made a prior public declaration of faith in another denomination.
The church values its association with the Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT. The church actively supports the Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT through financial giving, participation in assemblies, use of teaching resources, etc. The leadership team enjoy a working relationship with Ministry Support & Development.